The largest estuary in the United States and the third-largest in the world, the Chesapeake Bay has been significantly impacted by the activities of more than 13 million people in the region. Nitrogen and phosphorous pollution due to population growth has caused a serious ecological challenge to the Chesapeake Bay and other lakes, rivers, and estuaries around the country. Join us on September 23 for a discussion on nutrient removal – why it’s becoming such a necessity and how it’s being addressed. We’ll meet Kacey King-McRae, Operations Specialist at Water Pollution Control Bureau (WPCB) in Arlington, Virginia. The treatment plant, just outside DC, discharges to the Potomac River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. In 2010, when they underwent a $526 million upgrade, they stayed a step ahead of anticipated regulations by adding 17 new denitrification filters. Ten years later, Kacey talks live with De Nora’s Stan Shmia about WPCB’s experience with the nutrient removal process and their DE NORA TETRA® Denite® denitrification systems, which continue to provide effective, reliable biological nutrient removal.
